

good after noon sir…….sir i have 5 moles in ma body which s.neck .nose .hand…..sir i m …..feeling very shame for this problem……….please tell what can i do to remove this problem. Thanks


Many Thanks for contacting me online. As a rule I would advice against getting moles removed for ‘cosmetic’ reasons. There is a chance of complications with any cosmetic surgery and sometimes (especially if a keloid forms), the scar can look much worse than the original mole. However if the mole is changing and there is a worry about skin cancer (melanoma), then certainly I would advice removal, as the risk of cancer, outweighs the risk of a bad scar. Having said that, some moles can be removed with minimal scarring, by what is called a shave biopsy. However you will need to see a local dermatological surgeon for it.

If you are worried about any of your moles (that they are cancerous), you can upload your details and some good quality photos and I can advice. However please make sure the photos are taken with a good quality camera, in good lighting. My advice can only be as good as the photos you show me. Please do mail me back if you have any other questions or problems navigating through the links above.