
Acne DoctorAre you troubled by painful, itchy red spots on the skin? Does your acne itch? An itchy skin rash is not a common symptom associated with acne. In fact most dermatologists I know, would probably consider itch a symptom that suggests a diagnosis other than acne.


Also Read: Common questions regarding Acne & Spots

Itchy Skin & Acne Treatment

However there are 3 recent papers from Poland, Singapore and most recently from Norway, suggesting that itch is a common symptom associated with acne, particularly in teenagers. The study from Norway in fact suggests a direct correlation between the intensity of itch and severe acne. Acne treatment regimes should therefore take this into consideration and also include medications directed at the itch, to prevent teenagers from picking the lesions.  Acne scarring is one of the commonest reasons patients Consult a Dermatologist for.

Also Read: What is Acne. How to treat severe acne?

Acne is an embarrassing problem for teenagers and adults. However most people shy away from consulting a dermatologist for acne, because they feel that there are a number of over the counter products available along with various home remedies the internet is riddled with. While these might work for people with acne, when the acne isn’t responding to home remedies or is causing significant embarrassment, pain and scarring, one has to see a doctor. Acne can easily be treated and you do not have to suffer.

Looking for a Dermatologist to help with your acne?: Consult Dr. Attili for Online Treatment advice.