
Varicose and spider veins aren’t medical problems except if they develop into deep vein thrombosis. It’s just the fact that they are unsightly that makes them everybody’s most hated. As you age, these veins seemed more pronounced and more noticeable. Add other factors to that and varicose and spider veins become prominent in no time.

Varicose veins are those that spread in your calves and thighs. They look bluish or purplish. Spider veins on the other hand are those veins that look like spider web patterns. It may be in blue or red. Sometimes purple too. It either appears in the face or in the legs. These problems are due to faulty blood vessels which are visible in the skin.

More on the Veins and their Causes

The two unsightly veins are usually occurring both in men and women. But it is a much bigger issue for women as they are those who value the beauty of their legs and has the tendency to show it more due to their way of dressing. The primary causes of varicose and spider veins are the following:

  • Obesity
  • Lack of activity
  • Prolonged standing periods
  • Blood clot history
  • Gene
  • Tight fitting clothes
  • Exposure to UV rays
  • Previous surgery or trauma

For women, hormonal changes can make them more susceptible to these unsightly veins. Higher risk of developing them is due to hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy. Use of birth control pills may likely up your chances too.

The Scientific Explanation for the Varicose and Spider Vein Occurrence

They both occur because of the failure of your circulation system to mechanize properly. As the veins are returning the blood from the different body parts to the heart, the leg veins are said to have to do lots of work. It is located much farther from its destination which is the heart. To add to that, the veins from the leg have to work hard due to the idea of gravity. As you grow old, the vein in the legs gets so worked up thus results for it to become faulty.

When the veins become faulty, your blood that should have been flowing to the heart goes haywire and flow in different direction. That’s when the varicose and the spider veins happen.

Natural Ways of Preventing Varicose and Spider Veins

There are different ways of preventing and curing spider and varicose veins. It can either  be through natural ways or through a medical attention. First let’s have the quick and natural ways to get rid of it or at least, minimize it.

  • Avoid standing for long periods of time. Take time to take a break. This will help in improving your circulation. Also try to elevate our legs when you rest to bring back the blood from your legs to your heart
  • Lose weight. Work it out. Not only the work out will help your blood get proper circulation but it will also help in easing the work that your leg is having due to your weight.
  • Get massage. Go to sap from time to time and have a thorough massage. A good massage will help in proper blood circulation.
  • When sleeping have your feet and leg elevated.
  • Tone your legs from time to time. Do it regularly with the proper toning leg exercise.
  • Also avoid smoking, alcohol and salt intake.
  • Take time off from wearing high heels.

Medical Ways of Minimizing Varicose and Spider Veins

There are surgical and non-surgical ways of treating varicose and spider veins. Of which some will be mentioned below:

  • Compression stockings. I have mentioned it above, but compression stockings are better be commended by your doctor. Good compression stockings may help in putting pressure in your veins.
  • Sclerotherapy. This makes use of an injectible. A chemical will be injected in the faulty vein. It will turn it into a scar tissue sealing it shut completely.
  • Surface laser treatment. This makes use of burst of light which will make the veins fade and disappear. An intense pulsed light or IPL is used.
  • Surgery. Three surgeries can be used – the surgical ligation and stripping, the pin stripping and your ambulatory Phlebectomy. All are very helpful and requires only a short time.

Dig deeper to know more about these tips, try to do more research. Be more knowledgeable of this health condition and you might not know, the cure can just be found in your house. Do not go in a surgery room without knowing anything.