
This topic caught my eye last night, while watching a program on TV. Made me realise that as a supposedly net-savvy Dermatologist, I am a bit far behind in catching up with technology. In my defence, there have been a number of sham fat reduction devices promoted in recent years and this has led me to turn into an extreme skeptic. However, I think Cryolipolysis might be a winner.

So- what is it?

Cryo (cold)- Lipo (fat)- lysis (destruction/ death) literally means what it says!. The technique involves using a very cold plate with vacuum suction, to bring the skin & fat in close contact with the machine. The technique relies on the fact that fat cells get destroyed by low temperatures much more easily than other cells. Thus, the procedure leads to decay in the fat cells while the skin and surrounding tissue remains unharmed. It is certainly not the same as applying an ice pack at home, as the risk of frost bite and skin damage with such techniques can be significant.

My initial reaction on reading about the technique was- ‘Surely fat necrosis/ death will lead to scarring and this would cause more problems with difficulty in free movement of the person, if the entire subcutaneous tissue is scarred’. However, it appears that this does not happen with this procedure, which seems to be relatively safe.


Below is a picture I borrowed from the CoolSculpting UK website. The one on the left is before treatment and the right, is after treatment. As is evident, the effect is subtle but definite.

Cool sculpting


The main downside with the procedure seems to be the immediate pain & discomfort associated with a mini-frostbite reaction associated with treatment. Moreover, the results are not instant. It takes 2-4 months for one to see the result of treatment. I was intrigued by this recent case report suggesting paradoxical increase in fat after the procedure! Apparently this happens in 1:20000 people (quite a low risk).

Some reasonably good clinical studies (referenced below), seem to suggest that the majority of patients treated, experience a 20-30% reduction in fat, in the areas treated.  So this is certainly a very exciting prospect for people looking for a quick fix.

However, do remember that artificial methods like liposuction and lipolysis are not an antidote to gluttony and laziness! Nothing can substitute maintaining a healthy dietary and exercise regime! 


Clinical studies on Cryolipolysis:

1. Lasers Surg Med. 2013 Dec 11. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22209. [Epub ahead of print]
Enhanced clinical outcome with manual massage following cryolipolysis treatment: A 4-month study of safety and efficacy. Boey GE, Wasilenchuk JL.

2. Dermatol Surg. 2013 Aug;39(8):1209-16. doi: 10.1111/dsu.12238. Epub 2013 May 2. Safety, tolerance, and patient satisfaction with noninvasive cryolipolysis. Dierickx CC, Mazer JM, Sand M, Koenig S, Arigon V.