How to get rid of unwanted moles?

Question good after noon sir…….sir i have 5 moles in ma body which s.neck .nose .hand…..sir i m …..feeling very shame for this problem……….please tell what can i do to remove this problem. Thanks Answer Many Thanks for contacting me online. As a rule I would advice against getting moles removed for ‘cosmetic’ reasons. There […]

My skin is breaking out after I started working out…

Question I have been a vegetarian my whole life and eat only natural and organic foods and do my best to drink 8 glasses of water daily. I rarely eat dairy, and when I do it’s either yogurt or occasionally cheese during a holiday. I recently started going to the gym, an hour a day […]

“Reticulate Papillomatosis” skin disease

Question Dear Sir/Madam, Let i introduce as I am xxx ,businessman from india. i have an skin disease namely called "reticulate papillomatosis" for a past period of 5 years. it spreads all over the body chest,back part,face ,upto hand. pls find attachment of some skin leisons for ur review. Kindly advise what is the remedy,i […]

Another Acne Question…

Question dear sir, Im xxxx aging 21 having oily skin..from past three years i have suffered from acne over my both cheeks.After consuming German homeopathy medicine the acne has considerably reduced on left cheek when compared to that of right and on left after sometime.when black scars and some pits in tiny scale as well […]

Treatment of Scars: I am 25 years old. I have scars on my hand and tummy. I was burnt on diwali, when I was 4 years old. The skin is dark and hard. Can it all be removed?

Treatment of Burn scars is usually quite tricky. Hypertrophic scars are in a sense easier to treat and deformities caused by scars can be corrected. A number of non-surgical ‘medical’ therapies can also be used for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars. If the correction is purely cosmetic, it depends on the size of […]

What treatments are available for Acne scarring/ pigmentation?

Most acne scarring and pigmentation resolves with time. However a significant minority do have long-term issues and a number of treatment options are available including topical retinoids, sunscreens, depigmenting agents, chemical peels and LASER resurfacing. However one should seek these therapies only from a trained and experienced Dermatologist as improperly administered therapy can worsen the […]

Why are my legs always itchy? and how can I stop this?

Due to the effects of gravity, venous (deoxygenated) blood often pools down in the legs leading to chronic stasis change and consequently pruritus (itching). However any skin problem can also manifest itself on the legs. Unless I am able to see a photo, it is difficult to be absolutely sure that there is not other […]

Does the EUCERIN hyaluronic acid cream really act as a filler; like they advertise?

Hyaluronic acid acts as a filler when injected in. Not when rubbed on to the skin! Fillers are useful for some patients with acne scarring and one should avoid getting treatments from unqualified/ untrained professionals.

What is Acne and what are its causes?

Acne is an inflammatory skin problem seen usually over the face in young patients. During the rapidly growing teenage years sebaceous glands over the face and scalp become very active under hormonal influence and discharge excessive oily secretions. Compounded by hormonal and genetic induced narrowing of the skin pores into which these glands open, oil […]

What are black heads and white heads?

Black heads are pores blocked by skin scales, dirt and hardened fat. White heads are similar but covered by a thin skin layer. Bacterial infection in these blocked glands results in accumulation of pus and discharge. Dr.Sasi Attili Consultant Dermatologist