Dermatology Pictures: Test yourself Quiz #6

Let us make the educational quizzes a bit more exciting and visual. Have a look at this picture below. This is a skin condition featured in ‘embarrassing bodies’ a number of times. Can you name this skin condition which presents with recurrent painful boils under the armpits, groins and under the breasts? Type your answers […]

Dermatology Questions: How good is your knowledge?

We have been running a series of polls on facebook to test user general knowledge on various dermatology questions. In the latest poll that ended last week (access it by clicking here). The questions asked were actually quite simple: Washing powders are the commonest reason for allergic skiin rashes Using Biological washing powders prevents skin […]

Genital Herpes infection: Myths and facts.

As part of our on going public educational program we conducted a self assessment poll on myths and facts about Genital herpes. Please click here to see the poll first before you read the answer below.  Unfortunately only 4/ 29 got the answer right. The answer is Genital Herpes can be acquired by oral sex […]

Genital Warts: Facts vs Myths

As part of our public education program, we asked users about their perceptions about genital warts. Please click here to access the facebook poll relating to Genital warts and view the answers to the questions posted.

Acne Myths Busted

We recently ran a facebook poll (Click here to access the link)  to find out common perceptions about acne. I am glad to say that most of the people got the answer right. So let us look at these questions one by one. 1. Masturbation promotes acne: There is absolutely no evidence to support this myth. The […]

Skin Problems in Pregnancy

We are running a feature on skin problems in pregnancy, in one of the women’s/ health magazines and are looking for photos of problems that you or a friend might have had. As a token of appreciation, you would receive a gift voucher to spend in a store of your choice or a free private […]

Phototherapy for Urticaria

Urticaria, commonly unknown as hives, most often is an acute immune reaction to either foods/ drugs or infections. However, in some cases the disease can be chronic. Luckily, in most cases, the condition responds well to a combination of anti-histamines. However in some cases one has to resort to alternative therapies like phototherapy. There are […]

How to care for baby skin?

  How often should I bath my baby? Which is the best baby cream to use? Which is the best baby soap to use? How to care for Baby skin? These are common questions new mums and dads often have for which there is not a lot of scientifically based sound data out there. The […]