Dermabrasion may repigment vitiligo

Vitiligo is an extremely troublesome disease with very few successful treatment options. A number of authors have advocated dermabrasion followed by skin grafts via various techniques. However it is interesting to note that dermabrasion alone might be suffice to repigment vitiligo. This needs to be investigated further in a randomized control trial.  J Cosmet Dermatol. 2012 Dec;11(4):318-22. […]

Molluscum contagiosum can be present at birth

Interesting case report. Did not realize that one can have this viral infection even at birth. Wonder if it is transmitted from the mother. Pediatr Dermatol. 2012 Nov 12. doi: 10.1111/pde.12035. [Epub ahead of print] Linear Congenital Molluscum Contagiosum on the Coccygeal Region. Ujiie H, Aoyagi S, Hirata Y, Osawa R, Shimizu H. Source Department of Dermatology, […]

Mother ALLERGIC to her own baby: developed blisters after pregnancy

Trust the press to create sensational stories out of nothing. One does not become allergic to one’s own baby and eminent news sites like daily mail should stop sensationalizing news. Pregnancy is a wonderful event in the life of a woman that obviously changes the hormonal milieu within the body. Because of that there are a number of diseases including […]

Fish oil supplementation for Acne

People have tried bizarre home remedies for acne including urine, cow dung etc. Fish oil is not that bizzare but this is probably the first study to report on the effects of fish oil. The study has extremely small patient numbers though and I would not draw any conclusions from this study, as one cannot extrapolate small numbers to […]

A possible cause for Scrotal Calcinosis

Scrotal calcinosis is a condition where small hard round cysts develop in the scrotal skin. These are harmless and believed to be due to calcification within blocked oil glands (sebaceous cysts). This small report provides some proof, to support this notion.   Am J Dermatopathol. 2012 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print] Extensive Eosinophilic Infiltrates in […]

A side effect of melanoma treatment: BRAF inhibitor–associated verrucous keratosis

As new drugs emerge, new side effects emerge. This paper below describes a new type of skin cancer (like growth) that can occur as a side effect of melanoma treatment. Title Squamoproliferative Lesions Arising in the Setting of BRAF Inhibition.[Article] Source American Journal of Dermatopathology. 34(8):822-826, December 2012. Abstract In recent years, there has been […]

Treatment of head lice

Treatment of head lice in most cases is very simple. Using nit combs and over the counter head lice treatments like Lyclear are simple effective measures. The authors below report the use of an alternative lotion containing ivermectin, in the treatment of head lice. However, I am not sure that this is necessarily going to […]

Can a skin cancer like a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) kill? Is it serious?

Basal Cell Carcinoma’s are generally harmless skin cancers and do not spread anywhere else or kill people. They can grow to a big size locally, and even destroy bone if left untreated. Therefore treatment of the cancer (with either creams/ PDT or surgery, as appropriate) is recommended. However, in rare cases like the one described […]

Site news: Dr. Attili is now a Dermatology Specialist Advisor for Online GP Service- Dr. Thom/ Lloyds

Proud to announce a partnership with Dr. Thom/ Lloyds pharmacy. Not only that, from today users are able to obtain their prescriptions electronically and get their medications dispensed via a trusted online pharmacy, http://www.natcol.co.uk/.

News flash: Demodex Mites (rosacea) demand an apology!!

Cause for Rosacea: New research suggests the role of bacteria. This is quite an exciting and new research article. For years, demodex mites have been known to be associated with rosacea, though it is not known whether they are pathogenic, or just innocent bystanders. This publication suggests that bacteria present on the  demodex mite, rather […]