My face is turning red and skin is peeling off: Free Dermatology consultation

This is a Free Dermatology Question posted via https://www.onlineskinspecialist.com/SkinCareblog/free-dermatology-consultation/ Subject: SKIN Message Body:

Itchy discolored skin patches on back: Free Dermatology Consultation

This is a Free Dermatology Question posted via https://www.onlineskinspecialist.com/SkinCareblog/free-dermatology-consultation/ Subject: Message Body: Hello, for the last 3 years i’ve had a grey skin discoloration on one side of my back, it can itch severely and though has not really changed or grown there is a new patch starting on the other side of my back. […]

Free Dermatology Question: facial swelling due to a cream allergy

Free Dermatology Question posted via https://www.onlineskinspecialist.com/SkinCareblog/free-dermatology-consultation/ From: rifna Subject: facial swelling due to a cream allergy Message Body: been using pigmanorm last 6months…since im getting married, i decided to use a whitening cream by the name st.dalfour…i started off like two weeks back…within 2-3 days it triggered an allergic reaction.my face was swollen all over.i […]

Free Dermatology Consultation: Rash and unbearable itch

This mail is sent via contact form on Online Skin Specialist https://www.onlineskinspecialist.com/SkinCareblog   Hey there. I’ve been having a problem since the past 8 years. I always get a rash where my arms and legs turn red whenever it’s hot. And that’s not really the main problem. My body always feels itchy and I always […]

Increasing the awareness of Vitiligo: Nital, A must watch film

I have heard rave reviews about this film showcasing the plight of a vitligo sufferer. I am glad that the IJDVL has taken it upon itself to promote the film and am looking forward to the release of the English version of ‘Nital’.   Director’s Note… Nital means transparent…..Crystal clear…. Nital, which literally means transparent…one […]

Paradoxical effect of infliximab in a patient with hidradenitis suppurativa

What a shame that such a promising treatment (infliximab) for hidradenitis, might paradoxically make facial acne worse. Not sure which is the betterof the evils i.e. acne or hidradenitis But thankfully this is a rare side effects and most patients catually have an excellent result. Article first published online: 5 SEP 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8019.2012.01471.x © 2012 […]

New treatment option for facial warts.

Interesting new treatment option for facial warts. However, I am not sure it is any better than simple cautery which is safe and effective. More importantly it is cheap and easy to perform. We need further placebo controlled trials to evaluate this new device that the authors are promoting.   Successful clearance of facial common […]

Which is the best moisturiser? Moisturizers: Reality and the skin benefits

Moisturizers: Are you a ‘body shop’ person or a ‘Nivea’ person? How about E45/ Clinique/ Dove etc? Which is the best moisturiser? Is simple vaseline as good as an expensive Clinique moisturising cream?   These are questions that friends, relatives and patient’s pose on a regular basis. Unfortunately, no body likes the answer I give […]

Hydroxychloroquine in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

This study confirms the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, showing that it can even influence autoantibody titres. Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial drug but is an excellent treatment option for cutaneous lupus.   J Rheumatol. 2012 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print] Hydroxychloroquine Use Is Associated with Lower Odds of Persistently Positive Antiphospholipid Antibodies and/or Lupus […]

Mitotic rate in melanoma’s

  The diagnosis of melanoma’s is one of the most controversial issues in dermatopathology. This paper addresses one of the very important issue of mitotic rate in melanoma’s. Existing guidelines attach a lot of importance to the presence of one mitosis in a melanoma. This study discusses the fallacy of such an approach and the […]