What are black heads and white heads?

Black heads are pores blocked by skin scales, dirt and hardened fat. White heads are similar but covered by a thin skin layer. Bacterial infection in these blocked glands results in accumulation of pus and discharge. Dr.Sasi Attili Consultant Dermatologist

Salon Facial peels and Microdermabrasion. Would it help my Acne?

Salon facial peels are performed by technicians who have no medical knowledge regarding skin diseases or their treatment. Over the years, we have seen a number of patients with irreversible side effects from facial cosmetic procedures performed by unqualified personnel. Some facial cosmetic procedures can make acne (and other skin problems) worse. Dermatologists are specifically […]

make up products and acne

Face powders along with sweat or oily creams can form a paste and block the natural skin pores, thereby aggravating acne. Some perfumes in powders and creams can also cause troublesome rashes and irreversible pigmentation. In general it is best to avoid make up if possible. However women find it extremely embarassing to go out […]

Diet and acne

Should I change my Diet? Does diet/ fatty food affect acne? Historically the role of diet in acne was thought to be a myth. However recent studies have suggested that diary products and foods with high glycaemic index can influence hormonal and inflammatory factors, which can increase acne prevalence and severity. Studies have been inconclusive […]

Skin tips for healthy skin

The simplest and best solution for healthy skin is application of a non-perfumed simple moisturiser (should not be very oily, if using on the face) along with a Sunscreen (of an SpF of at least 30). Most over the counter expensive/ branded cosmetics do not produce any physiological effects on the skin and that is […]

Which is the best soap to use on the skin?

As a rule, most soaps tend to dry out the skin and are not suited for anyone with dry-skin problems. However, for the common man on the street without skin problems, it wouldn’t make any difference whatever he/ she uses. Te best soaps however are ones that retain moisture on the skin 9should be pH […]

Why do ugly pigmented patches appear on the face?

Pigmentation occurs (1) when acne or any inflammatory lesions heal (2) due to the combined effect of naturally oily skin and Sunlight and (3) as a natural protective mechanism against harmful UV radiation from Sunlight. A qualified Dermatologist should be able to help with your problem.   Dr.Sasi Attili Consultant Dermatologist

Treatment for dark circles

Dark circles are a huge problem in people of dark skin and can be a result of a number of factors. 1. Deep set eye-sockets making shadows appear under the eyes 2. Dehydration 3. Lack of sleep 4. Itchy/ inflammatory skin diseases like eczema may also be responsible for darker skin. The skin around the […]

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a general term for the application of tiny rough grains to buff away the surface layer of skin. All of the action in microdermabrasion takes place at the topmost layer of your skin, wherein it superficially and painlessly abrades (like fine sandpaper) the surface of the skin. This has an effect of encouraging […]