
We have been running a series of polls on facebook to test user general knowledge on various dermatology questions. In the latest poll that ended last week (access it by clicking here). The questions asked were actually quite simple:

  1. Washing powders are the commonest reason for allergic skiin rashes
  2. Using Biological washing powders prevents skin rashes
  3. Eczema in kids is often due to allergies to foods they are eating
  4. Breast feeding can reduce the possibility of kids developing allergies

The right answer got the highest poll, but by a very narrow margin.

This just reiterates the need to continue educating the general public about the skin, which is the largest organ in the human body. You might never have a heart problem ever in your lifetime, but every one is bound to have a skin problem at some point.

Follow our facebook page for more dermatology questions of this kind.

Here is the answer to poll #5:  ‘Breast feeding reduces the possibility of developing allergies’. Only 9/ 22 people got this one right. But at least this was the majority vote. Washing powders are commonly blamed for skin rashes, but unless yo are leaving heaps of powder on your clothes and it is staying on the skin, it cannot cause a rash! Biological or non-biological it does not matter! Eczema in kids is often genetically driven (it runs in families). Food allergies can occur but are responsible for less than 10% of cases of severe eczema. Better luck next time 🙂


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