
Certainly NOT!, but the statement below from one of my patients, made my day Open-mouthed smile.  Have to say that in most cases, if presented with a good quality picture, tele-diagnosis can be pretty accurate!


’Interestingly enough, you may not recall but you have advised me in the past and were the doctor suggesting my skin condition might be Nodular Prurigo as well as suggesting UV therapy. My Dermatologist (only a few years out of medical school) was initially skeptical of the Prurigo diagnosis, thinking my condition was more serious. That’s when she biopsied skin samples from my elbow and knee where lesions were located in less sensitive areas. Two weeks later, the lab results came back and they confirmed your diagnosis of Nodular Prurigo, thus validating that my online doctor advisories are certainly quicker and in some cases more accurate than what my in-person Dermatologist may suspect in their initial diagnosis. HA! As an aside, my Dermatologist opined that Dermatologists in your area (the U.K., yes?) see more cases of Nodular Prurigo than do those in the USA — which may or may not be true — but was her suggested excuse for not identifying the skin condition on sight and before a biopsy could be performed. (smiles!)’’

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