Caution on the use of Propranolol for vascular birth marks (Haemangiomas)

In recent years, propranolol has emerged as the wonder drug for treating vascular birth marks(called Haemangioma’s) in infants. These can often grow to large sizes, distorting the facial features, and sometimes causing blindness, life-threatening bleeding and even death. However, a few years ago, Propranolol (a drug used normally to reduce blood pressure) was accidentally discovered […]

Free Dermatology Consultation: How does that work?

“Nothing is free. Everything has to be paid for. For every profit in one thing, payment in some other thing. For every life, a death. Even your music, of which we have heard so much, that had to be paid for. Your wife was the payment for your music. Hell is now satisfied.- Ted Hughes, […]

Top tips on choosing a daily moisturiser

What is a moisturiser? Moisturisers are substances which prevent drying of the skin by either adding moisture orpreventing evaporation of the existing natural moisture in the skin. What is my skin type? Before we discuss further and decide on a moisturiser, it is important to determine what skin type we are dealing with. Most people […]

Can scratching an itchy skin rash make it worse? Why do we scratch?

  Skin rashes are often itchy and invariably there is a tendency to scratch, due to the immense, almost orgasmic relief experienced on scratching. However does this mean scratching is good for you? Scratching is a natural response ingrained into our neural network, aimed to scratch away insects and other objects that might be irritating the skin. Scratching away […]

Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A skin disease caused by eating gluten containing foods

Dermatitis Herpetiformis is an autoimmune skin disease, related to coeliac disease. Both diseases are exacerbated by gluten containing foods. Gluten is a protein present in a number of foods and is generally very safe. However between 1 in 400 to 1 in 10000 people can be allergic to gluten, producing bowel symptoms (coeliac disease) and/or a blistering […]

Treatment of Helicobacter (bacteria that causes stomach ulcers) can cure Hives (urticaria)

Strange as it may sound, Helicobacter, the bacteria discovered not too long ago to be responsible for stomach ulcers, may also be responsible for some cases of Chronic urticaria (hives). The authors below publish a well designed study that shows that some patients with Chronic anti-histamine resistant urticaria, can be cured with treatment aimed at […]

An Interesting Skin Reaction: Recall Phenomenon

The authors below have given an excellent summary of what is called Cutaneous Recall Phenomenon. This is usually seen in cancer patients treated initially with radiotherapy. Subsequent treatment with chemotherapy then produces a inflammatory skin rash, only on the part of the skin exposed to Radiotherapy. This is quite an interesting and intriguing phenomenon, believed to be […]

Acne Treatment: Does Roaccutane/ Accutane/ Isotretinoin cause mood swings/ depression?

Does accutane/ Isotretinoin cause mood swings/ depression? This is a question repeatedly asked by patients with severe acne who need to take this drug, Isotretinoin. There have been a number of isolated case reports on side effects of Isotretinoin, particularly making depression worse. However, in my personal experience  this is unlikely to happen unless individuals have severe depression with suicidal tendencies.  I was […]

Skin Diseases can be a sign of internal Cancer

There are a number of skin diseases than can often indicate to the Dermatologist, the presence of an internal cancer/ malignancy. These authors below, report quite a rare entity called Malignant Acanthosis Nigricans. Acanthosis Nigricans is a benign skin condition which occurs commonly is obese individuals, characterised by thick, brown/ black velvety skin change in […]

Bleach baths for Eczema/ Atopic dermatitis

There is a common perception that bleach baths prevent recurrent infections that are commonly responsible for eczema flares, especially in kids. How true is this? Do bleach baths help? Are they safe? This excellent review article below discusses these very issues and the pros and cons. The Gist: Bleach baths when administered correctly can be […]